Types of Security Breaches

Computer crime is rising dramatically. According to CSI's survey, 6 out of every 10 businesses, universities, and organizations reported some kind of computer security breach in 1998. Of these breaches, the number one type was "unauthorized access by employees" (44%). As for "successful penetration from the outside" (24%), the majority of these breaches were accomplished with the help of someone from within. In other words, insiders are the biggest threat to computer security today. This survey also reported that in just one attack, a corporation lost $25 million in proprietary information!

RISSC™is ideal for combating these hackers by providing the marketplace with a HARDWARE firewall. RISSC™is the only security system for computers that provides a physical and electronic disconnect, thereby preventing internal and external hackers access to critical information -- other systems provide only one or the other, leaving the systems they "protect" vulnerable to attack.

Security Breaches by Type
1998 CSI / FBI Computer Crime Security Survey   
Source: Computer Security Institute   
©1998 by Radionics, Inc.

For banks or corporations with both secured and unsecured networks, RISSC™'s dual relay switch blocks hackers from bridging the networks and stealing vital information. For businesses with unsecured networks, RISSC™'s single relay switch prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to hard drives. If a user is not authorized, an alarm is generated and sent to the system administrator, telling him/her the time, date, computer and name of user attempting entry to the computer or the network. All of the user information can be archived for permanent storage and retrieved at any time and in real time by the System Administrator or Program Manager.

The same credential used for RISSC™can also be used for an integrated access control security system with door, elevator, perimeter, etc. control and photo badging. Use the button below to contact us for more information.

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